PCB Design Journey

Piezo Driver Board Rev 2

This is a second revision of the piezo driver board used for my senior capstone project. I made a second revision because we had a more defined feature set after experimentation. We weren't sure exactly what element we were going to be driving and how. This board implements the improvements once the requirements were clearer. 

Piezo Driver Board

This is a prototype PCB made for my senior capstone project. We are trying to measure the flow of water through a volume with piezo transducers. The purpose of this board is to both drive and be capable of reading information.

Discrete Brushless DC Motor Driver

Mostly finished design for a discrete brushless DC motor driver. The goal was to use flight forward components that could easily be replaced for radiation hardened equivalents. It uses the MSP430FR5969, which has a radiation hardened version and a COTs version.

Drone Modular Tool Changer Controller

Designed drone tool changer printed circuit board with two stepper motor drivers, an inertial measurement unit, and hall effect sensors. It uses an ESP32 to control the system over bluetooth and wifi. 

HapticPack Driver V2

This is the second version of the driver board -- it uses bigger screw terminals. The smaller ones were not the proper size for all the wires that I wanted to use. I also made more of the components on the top layer so we'll see how it goes. Thinking about switching to vertical terminals. 

HapticPack Driver V1

This board slots into the MCU board and acts as a driver board. It has a NPN Darlington Transistor Array chip with flyback diodes for protection. 

HapticPack Spring Connector Board

This board will act as both a spring connector and receptacle. It allows for the board to be disconnected easier -- spring connectors also last much longer than other detachable connectors. 

HapticPack MCU V2

Ordered the V1 board via JLCPCB but was not super happy with the design. Decided to redesign with the ESP32 to allow for bluetooth and wifi capabilities to allow for more expandability. Also added connections for wires to be soldered for spring connections instead of molex nanofit. The nanofit is rated for a low number of connections so spring connections are much better. I still have to design the jumper board for the spring connection: planning on making it reusable for the input/output. Had to slightly update after assembling the first boards because the ESP32 footprints were slightly too small. 

HapticPack I2C Splitter V1

Created a draft for the I2C splitter and booster for HapticPack. This will be used to connect the master module to the slave modules. It uses a voltage regulator IC to make the 5V into 3V3 which is used within the booster IC. It uses one pullup resistors on each line, even though the Arduino / Teensy already has inbuilt pullups within the chips. This is because I2C is an open drain protocol and I want the ability to specify a lower pullup than the Arduino inbuilt pullup. 

HapticPack MCU V1

This was one of the first PCBs that I created. It was a rough draft for the MCU module. A module with IO will be stacked on top to allow for flexibility. I am learning a lot about routing and placement of components but still have a ton to learn.  I still consider this a draft as I might want to change some more things. 

Basic Hall Effect Breakout

Inspired by my Arduino breakout sensor kit, I decided to design my own breakout board for a Hall effect sensor. I hope to be consistent in my studies of PCB design/Altium this year. I may start with more simple designs, but hopefully I'll get to more complex stuff by the end of the year. Consistency is key.

Basic LED Circuit 

In the start of 2022, I started teaching myself Altium. I experimented a bit with EasyEDA/KiCAD in the past... but I wanted to learn the industry standard. Northeastern allows for free use of the Altium software. I'm hoping to design a lot of PCBs this year.