
Ultrasonic Tester Debug

For my senior capstone, I wrote a script to debug our embedded hardware with an ESP32. It was able to manually trigger pulses at certain frequencies with a specific number of pulses and it was controlled through a serial terminal. It was super useful for testing the system and getting it working properly. 

Qt Running Planner

In late 2021, I taught myself Qt within C++ and made a few test projects. One of the projects was a running planner made in a single day. The goal was to make a desktop application that could suggest mileage and workouts for a runner. The project is on Github.

Racket Word Processor

In 2021 for my Fundamentals of Computer Science class, I wrote a word processor in the programming language Racket. This was a partner project with Jeffrey Pan.

Python Running Tracker

In 2020, I made a prototype training planner in Python using the Kivy library. I only designed it as a prototype to test my Python skills.